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    BAS- Applied Leadership and Management Application Materials Submission

    To show intent to apply for the BAS Applied Leadership and Management at Chemeketa Community College, please complete the information below. To complete the form you will need the following documents as a PDF or Word document:
    • Resume
    • Cover Letter
    • Unofficial Transcripts from your Associates Degree (these can typically be found through your school's student portal. You do not generally need to pay for unofficial transcripts.)
    Once you submit this form, we will let you know if you have preliminary acceptance to the program. If you are preliminarily accepted, we will then contact you with your next steps such as completing the Chemeketa Community College Admissions Application and submitting your official transcripts. 

    Please contact Margarie Yaroslaski at with any questions, and we look forward to receiving your application materials. 
    I would prefer to attend this program:
    I would prefer to attend this program:
    Please upload your Resume as a as a PDF or Word document.

    Please upload your Cover Letter as a PDF or Word document.

    Please upload a copy of your unofficial transcript as a PDF or Word document.