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    International Transfer Form

    Please complete the following transfer form on behalf of the student so that we prepare for this student's transfer. It is very important that you complete the requested information below so that we can identify the student for whom you are completing this form. 

    Please also make sure to take note of Chemeketa's SEVIS School Code:  

    Chemeketa Community College-Salem          POO214F00095000

    If you have any questions, please connect with us at:
    Advisor Information
    Student Information
    Mailing Address
    Mailing Address
    Student Academic and SEVIS Tracking Information
    Is this student currently enrolled in your school?
    Is this student currently enrolled in your school?
    Date student first attended
    Date student first attended
    Date student last attended
    Date student last attended
    Has the student recently taken a vacation term?
    Has the student recently taken a vacation term?
    If yes, Are they currently on vacation term? 
    If yes, Are they currently on vacation term? 
    Has the student maintained legal status with U.S. Immigration regulations?
    Has the student maintained legal status with U.S. Immigration regulations?
    SEVIS Release Date
    SEVIS Release Date